Signs, signs, everywhere a sign.
Surely you have noticed the signage around the Town of Newmarket for the 2014 municipal election. If not, you might be blind. Or maybe you are turning a blind eye to ballot you should be filling out and casting. Whatever the case, at every street corner there’s an array of them; side-by-side, packed tighter than cigarettes in a box and with just as much strategy, secretly trying to choke the other out.
The signs – all shapes, all colours and all sizes, advertise the names of the certified candidates who are vying for positions in Newmarket’s municipal election 2014.Some signs are large, some small, some waver precariously in this windy October drizzle. Some signs we would totally like to redesign. But that’s besides the point. Every four years, Ontario’s municipalities elect mayors, councillors, school board trustees and other elected members in our province and on Monday, October 27th 2014, you can get out there and do just that. Vote.
Deep down, we know each candidate desires the chance to stand out, do something positive for the Newmarket community and be that flagship for Newmarket’s future. And why shouldn’t they? Afterall, Newmarket is a pretty great place to live. According to a national survey by MoneySense Magazine, Newmarket ranked in the top 10 places to live in Canada 2013. Our economy is growing, the region is developing and we are thriving.
Last week, we at RC Design had the chance to meet with Dave Kerwin, current incumbent and running for re-election in Ward 2. And while we haven’t had the opportunity to meet every Newmarket candidate, we can attest that Dave Kerwin’s appreciation and passion for Newmarket, paired with his council experience and leadership qualities certainly make him a well-worthy candidate.
So who is Dave Kerwin and what does he have to offer?
Dave Kerwin has been a resident of Newmarket for 43 years along with his wife Erica, making him an established and experienced contender in local politics. He’s got a big heart for the Newmarket community, its continued growth, prosperity and its people, so much so that Dave Kerwin has been on the Newmarket Council for 35 years. 35 years is a long time but one thing we’ve come to learn about Dave Kerwin is his sincere dedication and ability to innovate and come up with new ideas time and time again. With long term involvement in the Newmarket community including volunteer involvement to dedicated environmental work, Dave Kerwin brings knowledge consistency to the position. Dave Kerwin has also served on many committees throughout the years on council, from the audit committee to the tory relay committee. His involvement in the community is palpable.
We didn’t have time to touch on all aspects of Dave Kerwin’s campaign, but some of the biggest issues that he wants to address is Davis Drive, traffic (yay!) and the completion of Old Town Hall but there are a variety of others that you can find out about here. To Dave Kerwin, the top aspects of Newmarket that make it such a great place to be is Southlake Regional Health Care Centre, the excellent trail system and the Senior’s Centre, Youth Center and Newmarket’s exceptional recreational facilities.
Dave Kerwin stands for many things and prides himself on his ability to encourage open dialogue with the residents of Newmarket and being available for his constituents, consistently. His goal is to build a community where people not only want to live, work and play, but also grow and thrive. Here’s his commitments to Ward 2.
- total and complete commitment to the residents of Newmarket
- a team player, but also an independent voice on Council
- proactive visionary with a positive attitude
- the link of Newmarket’s past to the future
- preserving and protecting established neighborhoods
- attracting knowledge-based industries through communication infrastructure investments
So, while the landscaping crew in Newmarket has to tread lightly around said signage to avoid damaging spindly wire frames with a blade or trimmer, we, constituents of Newmarket, should tread anything but lightly during this municipal election. These bright and colourful signs represent opportunity for change, for growth, for ideas and innovation. They let Newmarket know that there are community ambassadors that care so fiercely about their ward and their community, that they are willing to represent, be available, and hopefully be accountable, come hell or high waters.
We didn’t have the chance to meet everyone running in this election, but rest assured we know there are a bunch of remarkable, smart, innovative people running this year. And while each certified candidate is likely busy securing the details of their platform, discussing their achievements and future endeavours with the public and maybe even crossing their fingers for a win, just keep in mind:
The town of Newmarket has a rich heritage, brimming with arts, culture, growth, opportunity and remarkable people. We have a prosperous community and even though we are not without struggles and growing pains, this vote, along with every other municipal election vote, is intended to strengthen our community as a whole.
So do your research. And vote for the candidate that’s right for you.
On Monday, October 27th, you can have your say and vote for the following offices in the Town of Newmarket.
- Mayor
- Regional Councillor
- Local Councillor (representing each of the 7 wards)
- Trustee, York Region District School Board
- Trustee, Conseil scolaire Viamonde (filed with Clerk of the Town of Markham)
- Trustee, Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud (filed with Clerk of the Town of Markham)