A keyword researcher wondering what the point of keyword research is

Every proper search engine optimization campaign begins with keyword research. Like macaroni and cheese, they simply belong together.

But what is the point of keyword research? Is there really a purpose or is it all a bunch of superfluous mumbo jumbo?

Consider this comparison:
You’re competing in a running race but nobody has told you which direction the finish line is in. Once the starting gun is fired, you’re off like a rocket – hustling and putting in tons of effort. And then it turns out the finish line is in the other direction.


Keyword Research is a vital part of discovering what our goal actually is. It sets the foundation for all the search engine optimization efforts to follow.

Ranking first place for a keyword that nobody uses

Imagine you put in the hard work and effort required to final earn that first place spot on Google’s rankings. Well done, you’ve made it!

Then a couple weeks later, you’re scratching your head, trying to figure out why there hasn’t been an explosion in traffic to your site. First place means more traffic, right?

Keywords aren’t all created equal. The word or phrase that you think will turn into thousands of visitors and contact form submissions might actually be more or less unused by your customers.

That’s why it is so important to base content decisions on reliable data. Keyword Research not only recognizes which key terms are searched, it also will give you an idea of how often they are searched.

Exploring the language of your industry and finding niche keywords

The Keyword Research process involves poking and prodding at every possible variation of search that a potential client could use. Doing this helps you to really understand the online language of the industry.

More often than not, you come across some excellent niche keywords. They are specific keywords that might not attract hundreds of visits, but that have low competition. These keywords are the perfect opportunity for beginning to draw in high quality, relevant traffic.

Identify Long Tail Keywords

It isn’t hard to come up with broad keyword ideas. If you are selling shoes, some obvious keywords that come to mind are “shoes for men”, “running shoes” or “buy shoes online”.

The thing about an obvious keyword is that everyone else has thought of it too. Suddenly, you’re fighting for top place with a million other businesses of varying sizes.

Putting in efforts to rank well for “running shoes” certainly is important for an online shoe company, but your Keyword Research may uncover some more valuable, long tail keyword opportunities.

Finding the perfect keyword

Keyword Research is a very deliberate task. It involves scouring all the possible variations of search terms related to your company’s products or services.

But, when everything’s said and done, you’re armed with information that tells you exactly what your customers are looking for. That’s powerful stuff.

Keyword Research is only useful if it is incorporated into the content strategy of your website, of course. Titles, anchor texts, blog posts, etc. can all be written with the firm knowledge that they are relevant to your audience.

Have we piqued your interest? Contact RC Design for more information about how Keyword Research can give your business a firm direction for your content strategy and digital marketing efforts.